Captura de Pantalla 2020-07-21 a la(s) 19.58.44



The idea of developing a low-cost system for coastal consolidation and erosion control was born under the premises that it would be:

– A flexible structure that can accompany differential settlements without deteriorating
– Made of a low-cost, high-strength material (reinforced concrete)
– Preferably made with domestically produced materials


The first international patent was obtained, which was later updated over time thanks to the experience acquired in more than 20 works.


The CODE®SYSTEM is distinguished with an honorable mention in Geneva (Switzerland).


In order to verify the behavior in extreme conditions such as those generated by the southeasterly slopes of the Río de la Plata, the CODE®SYSTEM is tested at the Faculty of Engineering of La Plata (Province of Buenos Aires – Argentina), which has the most important wave simulator in Latin America.


Once the first tests were concluded, the applications of the system began, the oldest of them being located on the Costanera Norte of the City of Buenos Aires, on the Río de la Plata.

Thus, a series of tests were carried out in different laboratories that, together with the experiences gathered in the works, enriched the application technique and generated new patents

From that promising beginning, the works of coastal defenses continued in an uninterrupted manner, throughout the territory of the country.


The idea of developing a low-cost system for coastal consolidation and erosion control was born under the premises that it would be:

– A flexible structure that can accompany differential settlements without deteriorating
– made of a low-cost, high-strength material (reinforced concrete)
– preferably made with domestically produced materials


The first international patent was obtained, which was later updated over time thanks to the experience acquired in more than 20 works.


The CODE®SYSTEM is distinguished with an honorable mention in Geneva (Switzerland).


In order to verify the behavior in extreme conditions such as those generated by the southeasterly slopes of the Río de la Plata, the CODE®SYSTEM is tested at the Faculty of Engineering of La Plata (Province of Buenos Aires – Argentina), which has the most important wave simulator in Latin America.


Once the first tests were concluded, the applications of the system began, the oldest of them being located on the Costanera Norte of the City of Buenos Aires, on the Río de la Plata.

Thus, a series of tests were carried out in different laboratories that, together with the experiences gathered in the works, enriched the application technique and generated new patents.

From that promising beginning, the works of coastal defenses continued in an uninterrupted manner, throughout the territory of the country.

That is why today we can proudly affirm CODE®SYSTEM:

– It is recognized by leading specialists in the field
– It is the only industrialized coastal protection system installed in international works such as the Salto Grande Dam Reservoir (Uruguay River) and the Yaciretá Dam (Paraná River).
– It was the most widely used protection system in UNIREC – the most important hydraulic planning project carried out in Argentina
– It is the only protection system that does not create a barrier with the river and, once installed, allows residents to continue carrying out their usual activities more safely